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Phase Three of UNAIDS Programme Acceleration Funds (PAF3)

Programme Acceleration Funds (PAF) were designed to assist the UN Theme Group to play a catalytic and facilitating role in advancing the scope, scale and effectiveness of a country’s response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. With increasing resources, political commitment and new interventions, this role becomes even more important and urgent.

PAF aims to promote the role of the UN system in response to AIDS in China by:

1. strengthening multi-sectoral cooperation at the provincial and local levels;

2. promoting the greater involvement of people living with HIV;

3. addressing the growing feminization of the epidemic and the specific vulnerability   of women to HIV;

4. supporting national AIDS campaigns in the context of the World AIDS Campaign;

5. targeting thematic and programme areas that represent important gaps in a country’s overall response, especially sensitive and/or neglected issues (e.g. sex work, injecting drug use, men who have sex with men and mobile population);

6. promoting the achievement of the "Three Ones", i.e. One National Action Framework, One Coordination Authority and One Monitoring and Evaluation System for all AIDS activities.

UNAIDS PAF3 had a total budget of USD 450,000 from February 1, 2006 to February 1, 2007. Programme area was Guangdong. Programme components included peer education, leadership development, multi-sectoral cooperation, participation of PLHIV, orphan care, care and support, antiretroviral therapy, condom promotion and use, and counseling and testing. Target populations include migrants, leaders, government officials, young people, CSWs, IDUs, MSM, PLHIV, AIDS orphans and the general public.
